Interested in becoming an official in North Carolina?
- Link: How to Become an Official in North Carolina
- Link: USA Swimming – How to Become an Official
- In addition, the subpages under this Officials Homepage contain information covering various areas. If there are questions or information not found and needed, please feel free to contact: Rob Stevens – NC Swimming Officials Chair
NC Swimming Officials Committee
MISSION: To maintain a roster of qualified, well-trained, and experienced officials of the highest caliber.
VISION: To be “the leading example” for all aspects of USAS officiating.
The NCS Officials Committee has established Area Representatives and an Athlete Representative to provide a better communication channel with all officials within North Carolina Swimming. The LSC is divided geographically into five (5) areas with a local Representative from each area. The Representatives are positioned to help keep officials up to date with changes related to officiating within USAS and NCS. Each Area Representative should be the first point of contact to help answer any questions or address any issues for any official in NCS.
The responsibility of the North Carolina Zone Representatives is to promote the sport of swimming by supporting the growth and development of local swim officials through the recruitment of new volunteers and the mentoring of the officials’ membership of North Carolina Swimming. To maintain continued excellence in swimming officiating, the Area Representatives are charged to carry out this mission by:
- Serving as a local NCS Officials Committee contact for NCS officials and clubs.
- Encouraging clubs to recruit new volunteers and providing facilities to host training clinics.
- Encouraging local officials to advance within the LSC, the Zone, and the nation.
- Identifying and recruiting available officials to staff local area swim meets.
NC Swimming Officials Committee Members
- Rob Stevens – NC Swimming Officials Chair
- Bob Landry –Zone 1 Rep-Eastern Carolina
- AQUA, BAC, CCA, ECA, GOLD, GSAT, RMY, TRY, WBST, WOW, UNs who live in Eastern NC
- Tammy Schmidt– Zone 2 Rep-Raleigh area
- ASTF, CAT, FISH, GFSC, HAC, HCAC, MOR, NCAC, NCSU, PAST, RSA, SSS, TAC, TWA, VACB, WAVE, YOTA, UNs who live in the Triangle area
- Anne Marie Schnieder – Zone 3 Rep-Greensboro area
- EAC, FAST, GCY, GSAT, HPSC, PAC, SFSC, STAR, TYDE, YBAC, UNs who live in Triad area
- Jeffrey Childs – Zone 4 Rep-Charlotte area
- ATOM, BAD, CVAC, EVO, MAC, MSA, NSS, QCD, RACY, SAIL, TEAM, UNs who live in Charlotte area
- Colleen Gillan – Zone 5 Rep-Western NC
- BHRC, BRSL, GG, HHST, MARS, MHAC, MSC, NEAL, RCST, SAC, SMAC, WST, YSST, XA, UNs who live in the western part of state
- John Jewell – Training Task Force
- Mike Long – Recruiting and Recognition Task Force
- Jeff Childs – Communications Task Force
- Athlete Representatives to the Officials Committee:
UNDER CONSTRUCTION – Officials Committee Map