Please join us for lunch and social hour between technical planning and HOD on Sunday October 3rd. We are looking forward to this opportunity to hang out, network, and get your feedback on ways we can support one another across the LSC.
Promoting Excellence by Providing Resources to Support and Empower the North Carolina Swimming Community.
by Bill Martin
by Bill Martin
NCS Clubs:
The 2021 Fall North Carolina Swimming HOD will be held as planned at the McKimmon Center in Raleigh on Sunday, October 3 at 1:00 PM. Those attending in person will cast their votes at the meeting. For those choosing not to attend in person, there will a virtual option for casting your votes.
The HOD Meeting Schedule with separate ZOOM meeting registration links for each meeting has been posted on the NCS website.
Whether your club’s delegates will be attending in person or via ZOOM, you will need to pre-register your delegates by following the step-by-step instructions below.
If you have any questions about the delegate registration process, please contact Barb at pfrith@mac.com prior to September 29th.
by Bill Martin
The following proposed legislation will be voted on at the 2021 Fall HOD. Please review the legislation prior to the House of Delegates meeting on Sunday, Oct 3, 2021.
To help streamline the voting process and minimize the expense of online voting, a review of the proposed legislation will be held at 2:00 pm on Saturday, Oct 2. Those with questions or concerns on the proposed legislation are encouraged to attend. There will also be an opportunity to make changes in the proposals with submitter’s approval.
by Bill Martin
The NCS “A-TEAM” Swim Camp, targeting swimmers ages 11-14 whose long course times in 2021 ranked them highest among swimmers achieving “A” time standards, will be held at the Triangle Sportsplex in Hillsborough, NC on November 7, 2021. Check-in time for the camp is 8:45 am. The camp will run from 9:15 am – 4:30 pm.
Athletes selected were those who ranked highest during the long course season in the 100m Fly, 100m Back, or 100m Breast and who had not achieved a long course time faster than the National “A” time standard.
Swimmers on the list below are invited to the first-ever “A-TEAM” Swim Camp. Coaches will focus the water sessions on butterfly, backstroke, and breaststroke and each will feature older athletes who have demonstrated excellence in the particular stroke highlighted. Athletes on the list should register on the NCS website no later than October 1, 2021. The “A TEAM” camp fee is $60 for the one-day camp and the PayPal link can be found on the application form.
Complete camp details will be sent out about 14 days prior to the camp.
If your name is on the A-Team Camp Selections list above and you would like to attend, please complete and submit the form below by October 1, 2021.
by Bill Martin
In accordance with North Carolina Swimming Bylaws, the Governance Committee has nominated candidates to be considered by the House of Delegates (HOD) for the Board of Director positions identified below. Additional nominations can be made from the floor at HOD prior to elections. Nominees may choose to accept or decline consideration at any point prior to the election. Nominees are:
General Chair – Trish Martin, Dave Olack
Administrative Vice-Chair – David Rigsbee, Wayne Shulby
Finance Vice-Chair – Lynn Tippets, Lisa Olack
Operations Vice-Chair – Jon Jolley, Chris Hoover
Program Vice-Chair – Jonathan Watson, Amy Faulk
Secretary – Linda Hughes, Jamie Bloom
Treasurer – Jon Fox, Suzanne Heath
Safe Sport / Operational Risk Coordinator – Jamie Bloom, Claire White
Age Group Coordinator – Amy Faulk, Matthew Rigsbee
DE&I Coordinator – Cliff Gordon, Lynn Tippets
by Bill Martin
The North Carolina Swimming Awards Ceremony will not be held at the McKimmon Center as originally planned but instead will be held at the Triangle Aquatic Center in Cary Saturday, October 2, 2021, following the NCS All Star Clinic. The ceremony will recognize NCS All Stars in attendance at the clinic. The NCS All Star Clinic is exclusively for those on the NCS All Star list and will be held at the Triangle Aquatic Center beginning at 3:00 pm on Saturday. Pre-registration is required to attend the All Star clinic.
A registration form for the NCS All Star Clinic, along with additional information will be emailed to those on the All Star list in the next few days.
The 2021 North Carolina Swimming Fall House of Delegates (HOD) meetings will be held at the McKimmon Conference Center in Raleigh on Saturday and Sunday, October 2-3, 2021.
The Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for Saturday afternoon from 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm. The Technical Planning meeting is planned for Sunday morning from 10:00 am – 11:30 am with HOD registration at 12:30 pm and the HOD meeting at 1:00 pm. Click the following link for the complete HOD weekend meeting schedule.
For those choosing not to attend in person, virtual viewing options will be made available with links sent out prior to the meetings.
by Bill Martin
Below is the list of North Carolina Swimming athletes who achieved NCS All Star status during the period beginning on Sept 1, 2020 and ending on Aug 31, 2021 (athletes are listed by club code). The colored bars next to each swimmer’s name indicate how the athlete achieved All Star status and whether All Star status was achieved in multiple ways.
Those achieving All Star status will receive an All Star towel. Towels will be sent to the swimmers’ clubs for distribution
The NCS All Star list includes swimmers who achieved All Star Status in at least one of five ways.
by Bill Martin
Below is the list of North Carolina Swimming athletes who finished with a Top Five time in one or more short course or long course event during the period beginning on Sept 1, 2020 and ending on August 31, 2021 (athletes are listed by club code). Top Fives are listed by age group – 10U, 11-12, 13-14, 15-16, and 17-18. The colored bars next to the names indicate whether a Top Five time was achieved during short course (red bar) or long course (blue bar)…or both.
Those achieving Top Five status will receive Top Five swim caps. Caps will be sent to the swimmers’ clubs for distribution.
Top Five age group rankings should not be confused with the NCS Top Ten rankings, which are listed by individual age. Top Five achievement also has nothing to do with order of finish at NCS championship meets, but are based on age group rankings at the end of the qualifying period…which this year was August 31, 2021.
by Bill Martin
Here are clinics and sign-up links for the series of Virtual Clinics being held in mid-September. This list is also available on the Clinic Schedule subtab under the Officials tab on the NCS website.
Clinic participants are required to complete the Self-Study Part 1 before the Virtual Clinic. This self-study portion takes less than 30 minutes and includes a 10 question quiz. Part 1 can be found at this link.
by Bill Martin
The 2022 IMX CAMP athlete selections have been announced. The top-20 athletes (male and female) ages 10, 11, 12 and 13 by IMX score are invited to attend the annual IMX CAMP to be held on January 22, 2022, at the Greensboro Aquatic Center. Additional information on the camp and the camp format will be announced at the Fall House of Delegates Meeting. Those ranking 21-25 have been named as alternates and will be invited to fill any vacancies should any of the top-20 be unable to attend. IMX Camp registrations are due on November 1, 2021.
REVISED LISTS: The original lists were created before all meets were entered in the system so there are a few changes in the rankings in some of the age groups.
2022 IMX Selections: Ages 10-11