Deadline to submit April 12, 2025
Here is the bid packet for submitting meet bids for the 2025-26 short course season. It includes both the Meet Bid Framework and the Meet Bid Form.

The meet bid framework provides dates of notable meets, including sectional and national events, and indicates closed weekends during the 2025-26 short course season.
The meet bid form is the method for submitting your meet bids to the meet scheduling committee. Simply complete and submit a form for each of your club’s meet bids. Please note the closed weekends when submitting bids.
Completing the Meet Bid Form
The meet bid form allows the Meet Scheduling committee to gather and provide clubs with complete and consistent meet information. The form is divided into three sections:
1. Basic Meet Information (dates, host club, meet name, location, etc.)
2. Meet Type (meet type, course type, meet category, age group)
3. Meet Fees (individual fees, relay fees, facility fees, travel fund, parking, other)
Click the link to the Meet Bid Form to get started. After completing all required fields (identified by an asterisk) in a section, click NEXT. After completing the entire form, click SUBMIT. You will be asked if you want to submit another response. If you do, click “submit another response” and repeat the process for your next meet.
Meet bids submitted will automatically populate the 2025-26 Short Course Bid Schedule posted on the NCS website. Here, you can view what you’ve submitted. (The spreadsheet does not automatically sort by date, so the most recently submitted bids will appear at the bottom but will be sorted periodically as bids come in.)
Meet Bid Deadline: 4/12/25
Schedule Planning Meeting: 4/12/25
Meet Calendar Approved: 4/12/25 Planning Meeting
Approved Calendar Posted: 4/14/25
If you have any questions on the Meet Bid Form, contact
Clubs must be Safe Sport Recognized to bid on NCS Championship meets.
Meets will not be sanctioned unless the host club is Safe Sport Recognized.
Thank you,
Kevin Thornton