The 2024 NCS Senior Long Course Championship meet, hosted by STAR Aquatics, will be held at the Greensboro Aquatic Center in Greensboro, NC on July 18-21, 2024.

Clubs must use USA Swimming’s OME system to enter this meet. Please note that there is a $1.00 charge per club that, when paid, will generate an OME entry receipt once you check out. All other entry fees must be paid to the meet host by the start of the meet. (See the meet announcement for details.)
Remember that you can update seed times anytime prior to the entry deadline from your ROSTER ENTRIES page in OME. Once you check out, you can add new athletes and entries but you are unable to change or delete entries. The entry deadline for this meet is 6:00PM on Monday, July 15.
An exception to OME entry will be made to enter athletes who qualify via the Parallel Time Standards for Swimmers with a Disability. Those entries should be emailed by 6:00 PM on Monday, July 15 to and should include the athlete’s name, USA Swimming ID, events, and entry times. If you have questions about OME, please contact Trish or Lynn at